Therapeutic Breast Massage for Lactation (TBML)

60 MINUTES  In-Office (starting at $135), In-Home (starting at $185)

Therapeutic Breast Massage for Lactation (TBML) focuses on the breastfeeding/chestfeeding parent who is experiencing breast/chest pain due to engorgement, plugged or clogged ducts, and/or mastitis.

We are currently accepting the following insurances: Aetna PPO, UCSD HMO, Cigna PPO, Anthem PPO, Blue Cross PPO, Blue Shield PPO and PNOA plans and can bill them for you pending insurance verification. Starting Feb 1, 2023 there will be a travel fee applied to all home visits. Please let us know if you have one of these insurance carriers at booking.

What we do together in a TBML Consult:

TBML consults are typically 60 minutes to give us time for a thorough history and breast care. If appropriate, massage of the breast and armpit and milk expression will be done to help decrease pain and encourage fluid movement. This visit does not include evaluation of the baby’s suck or breastfeeding/chestfeeding session. Included is:

  • Evaluation of the affected breast

  • If appropriate, therapeutic breast massage for lactation and milk expression

  • A personalized plan of care for breast/chest care and healing

  • A report sent to your care provider(s)

  • Paperwork to file with your insurance. Some insurance companies will reimburse you for our services - check with your provider to see if lactation visits are covered. We are currently accepting the following insurances: Aetna PPO, UCSD HMO, Cigna PPO, Anthem PPO, Blue Cross PPO, Blue Shield PPO and can bill them for you pending insurance verification. Please let us know if you have one of these insurance carriers at booking.