Prenatal Yoga Top 6!

I may be a little biased, but I think the benefits of prenatal yoga are endless. You may have heard about some of the positives for your body, perhaps from a friend, your care provider, the internet. Sore back? Tight neck? Leg cramps? Go do yoga! The physical body may be giving you some symptoms of craving movement and stretching, but what about the other parts of you?

The emotional, the mental, the spiritual, the self? Those parts may be aching and are typically not as “loud” as a cramp in your calf in the middle of the night, yet they still seep in. And they are worthy of being listened to. They are the questions that you ask yourself - Will I be a good mom/dad/parent? What if my relationships change? How will I get through labor and birth? How will I manage to work and care for a baby? How can I find the balance? How do you change a diaper? Is this normal?

I have a secret: I absolutely do not have all the answers. Some, sure! In a lot of ways I, too, am making this up as I go along. But you may find some answers in your prenatal yoga practice - in the person you meet in class who becomes a lifelong friend; in the safety to ask questions and get peer support; in the time you take to just breathe; in that moment in your search for connection to your center. Will you join me?

My Top 6 Reasons to Get Your Body Moving in Prenatal Yoga:

  • Prepare - Labor and birth are filled with the unknown - even if you have experienced it before! Help cultivate mindfulness and relaxation while building strength and endurance. Discover the abundance within and ways of coping through unknown and unexpected.

  • Stretch - Open yourself to new possibilities and changes that come with expecting little ones. Soothe tired muscles and bones, and find a little more flexibility in your body (maybe your life as well).

  • Slow - Days can be comprised of sitting still, but most likely not in stillness. So many things to do and not enough time in which to do them. Practice finding stillness, a place to just be, to sit with all that is. You never know what you will find there.

  • Open - Babies take up space! When you move, you can make more room for yourself and also your baby. Create space in your body, mind, self and life for the sometimes subtle, sometimes great shifts.

  • Breathe - Learn new ways of noticing the breath as you prepare for labor, birth, and parenthood. We will explore our breath using techniques like breath awareness, non-focused awareness, circular breathing, and more to help you move through the unknown.

  • Connect - Enter into the space where you can connect with others in the community who are experiencing pregnancy and birth. Pregnancy and parenthood can be isolating - connect to the energy and love of the millions who have given birth before you, as well as the ones standing next to you on this journey.

    The Details:

    Who: Suitable for all trimesters

    When: Tuesdays at 5:15 pm, Saturdays at 8:45 am

    Where: RISE Prime Wellness in Carmel Valley

    Cost: $15 drop-in , $65 for 5 Class Pass, $125 for 10 Class Pass (get your first class free when you purchase your first class pass!)

    Other expectations:

    • Wear comfy clothes that allow for movement

    • No yoga experience required - we will walk you through what you need to know

    • Bring your yoga mat (if you don’t have one or forget yours, we’ve got you covered!)

    • Bring what you need to nourish your body (food, water, etc.)

    • We have blankets, blocks, bolsters and straps

    • Pre-registration required, you can sign up here!

    • Check the calendar regularly for schedule updates
